Concert Children III

Created for the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra’s Lørdagskonsert 2020.

The third installment saw two dancers march onto the stage to Bartok’s Romanian Dances. In classic concert children fashion, a harmless character dance quickly becomes a fight over a big stick with an orange sash on it. After the stick dance leaves one dancer with the stick and one with the sash, the one with the sash plots a way to get the stick back, succeeding temporarily before deciding to offer an armistice to share the stick. A brief period of truce is danced before tensions over the stick reemerge in the polka and fast dance for an energetic and humorous ending.

Music: Romanian Dances by Bela Bartok
performed live by members of the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra
Lighting: Harald Lie
Costume/Props: Kenji Wilkie
Dancers: Elias Holm, Kenji Wilkie